
White mushroom high yielding cultivation techniques introduce

Agaricus mushroom meat is tender, delicious delicious, nutritious, is the world's largest cultivated area and production of edible fungi. Now its main cultivation techniques are described below:

mushroom equipment

1 raw materials and formulations

The main raw material is cultivated mushroom Agaricus scraps and horses, cattle, chickens and other livestock manure variety of high-quality agricultural products, through reasonable proportion fermentation. Commonly used formula is: ① dry straw 2000 kg, 2000 kg of dry manure, rapeseed 150 kg, 50 kg of superphosphate, gypsum and 50 kg, 15 kg of lime; ② dry straw 2000 kg, 1400 kg of dry cow dung, rapeseed cake 100 kg, 40 kg superphosphate, gypsum 40 kg, 15 kg of lime.

2 composting training materials

Pre-wet straw, in 2 - 3 days ago stacker will pour wet straw or marsh, wet straw so to maintain adequate moisture. When stacking, according to 1.50--2.50 meters wide and 1.50 meters high, the length according to the size of the composting sites. Shop materials when the grass about 30 cm thick, about 3 cm thick manure, grass in the order after the first layer of manure manure layer of grass, each shop about 10 layers, top of the heap was Turtle shape. Rapeseed cake layered stack when applied to build the stockpile middle. Built heap side edge water, the water should be sprayed on the grass, surrounded by a pile built after water leaking outside the heap is appropriate.

3 culture medium during fermentation

① before fermentation: the first five days after the construction of pile turning, turning even thrown into the process should be added to half of gypsum powder and superphosphate; the first nine days of turning the second time, manure and grass to fully mix evenly thrown into surplus gypsum powder and superphosphate; the first 12 days of turning third lime powder. Depending on the humidity of the heap when turning material, as appropriate, add water. ② After fermentation: After primary fermentation, the material moved into hot mushroom house, training materials to focus on the middle of the bed frame stacked mushroom house, and stockpile their 5--6 hours after the fermentation temperature, steam heating, the overheating steam pass into the mushroom house, so mushroom room temperature rise to about 62 ℃, maintain ventilation and cooling 6--8 hours, the material temperature at around 50 ℃, keep 4--6 days. After fermentation ventilation, slow cooling, so that the material temperature drops below 28 ℃ planting. Training quality standard materials after the end of fermentation are: wheat straw was brown, soft and flexible, toughness is not sticky, there is no smell of ammonia odor, training materials at about 65% moisture content.

4 seeding spawn

After fermentation, finishing mushroom room stacker, the cultured layers evenly spread on the bed frame materials, cultivating a thickness of 20 centimeters. When the material temperature drops below 28 ℃ and no ammonia odor is no longer rise when sowing, using mixed, that 75% of bacteria and training materials thoroughly blended evenly sprinkle the remaining species in the material surface, then covered with a thin material, the material surface gently with a wooden racket real, make full contact training material and bacteria. mushroom room temperature control 20--24 ℃, relative humidity is maintained at 70% - 80% more ventilation humid weather, dry and cold weather less ventilation. Late spawn culture material surface to keep dry, reducing bacterial contamination and facilitate rapid mycelial growth to internal training materials.

5 casing and casing after administration

About 15 days after sowing, the mycelium grows to the bottom of most of the training materials to cover seven. If the material surface is dry, spray so that the material surface after moist casing. Selection of garden soil or clay loam, crushed and sieved before overburden the soil particles, soil particles 0.50--2 cm in diameter. Sterilized soil material first with formaldehyde, formaldehyde to be volatile after spraying insecticide dichlorvos for processing. Using disposable casing, cover soil thickness is 3.50--5 cm, casing should be uniform and consistent thickness. After casing diversion to light spray wash spray, spray 3 - 4 times a day, adjust the soil moisture content of 18% - 24%, that is not broken soil particles can pinch flat, moist, non-white heart. Strengthen water management to keep the casing layer moist at room temperature at about 20 ℃, relative humidity of 80% - 90%.

6 fruiting management

When the mycelium climb surface casing layer, the control room is 12--16 ℃, relative humidity of about 90%, ventilation, moisture management conducted. Mushroom water spray, about 3 kg of water per square meter, sub 6--10 puffs finished in 2 - 3 days, prompting mushroom primordia. When primordia generally grow to the size of soybean, mushroom water spray protection, about 2 kilograms per square meter of water, spray three times a day, two days after spraying. After fruiting principle soil is light spray wash water spray, spray more mushrooms for a long time, came from a small spray mushrooms; pre-less spray, spray more late. When the spray gun nozzle to be tilted upward, so that the water mist falling, prevent water directly onto white mushroom.

7 Harvest

To stop the water before pick up. Harvest when the mushroom cap to 2--5 cm long, the film is not broken when fruiting fungi. When the harvest with the thumb, index finger, middle finger and gently pinch the cap, rotate uprooted; if the size of the mushroom clusters, with demand picking mushrooms under Lee knife, leaving a small mushroom. To light up the light collected at harvest. To be promptly removed after harvest mushroom roots, dead mushrooms and mushroom pieces, fill soil, so rack smooth clean.

